Letters to my Daughters Part 2

8 years ago, I wrote you letters. I did that a lot when you were smaller. I felt drawn to put my thoughts and dreams for you on paper.

When I first wrote to you, you were so young. Erin, Kristin, Kaitlin: you couldn't even read them yet. And now look at each of you: Brianna, sophmore. Kristin and Kaitlin, 8th grade. Erin, 6th grade. 

The days of arts and crafts, Blues Clues, Wiggles and stories at bedtime have been replaced with eye shadow, glitter, Justin Bieber (we'll deal with that later), peer pressure, struggles to fit in, and figuring out who you are as you leave childhood behind but adulthood is still so far off. 

So much of what I wrote 8 years ago is even more important now. I am proud to see those tiny seeds I planted in you then are now growing, blossoming . . . thriving.

Brianna, high school. I still can't believe it. I stared at you yesterday and could no longer see a 5-year old. I see a young lady becoming a woman. I still can't believe we are already discussing college. I am not ready. It's coming too fast. But your choices, your wisdom do not make me afraid for you. They make me excited. You stand strong for what you believe in, hold fast to your convictions. Somedays, the only way we see eye to eye is physically. But I am proud that you never back down when you believe in something. 

The next few years are going to throw hard tests at you. Remember what you believe RIGHT NOW. Embed it into your soul and let it become WHO YOU ARE, not just what you believe. It will lead you on the most amazing path you could ever imagine. Let who you are now just continue to grow. 

Kristin, my goodness, you have blossomed. When I first wrote to you, you were scared to speak. Now, you not only speak, you speak with firmness and confidence. Your beauty takes my breath away, but only because it is not just outside, it's in you. You are proud of who you are and seeing someone who was once so scared now so brave makes all those years of struggling worth it. 

Kaitlin, the same to you. You have such a quiet strength. You get lost in books, in the words. You still want to hold on to my hand sometimes, just a little too tightly. I know you still can't always understand why I ask you to let go, a little. But that's my job. My job is to prepare you to walk into your world, without me there coaching you. But as I said so many years ago, I may let go, but I'm still there, right behind you, when and if you need me. 

Kristin and Kaitlin, as I have watched the both of you emerge into the young ladies you are becoming, I always see butterflies. I read once that a butterfly gains their strength through the struggles it has to endure to fully become what it was created to be. It is the same for you, both. You both have emerged so beautifly. The struggles aren't over but I have absolute faith in the both of you to handle them with grace.

Erin, the love you had for nature and this world has only intensified over these years. It shows me it wasn't childhood fancy, but who you are inside. I am envious of your eyes, of your vision. I wish I could remember to see the world as you do. So I choose, instead, to see it through YOUR eyes. Thank you for such a beautiful gift. When I am sitting with you, listening, watching, I see the world as I believe God intended. Don't ever let that go, show your world to anyone who needs it.

I'm not always able to give you the newest things, but I hope my love makes up for it. The nights I've spent praying for you, praying for wisdom for you, it's now paying off. You are my gifts in this world; my gift to the world. 

You are growing so quickly. And I can slowly feel each of you letting go, in your own way. But I know, and I want you to know, that's the way it's supposed to be.

I love you. 143 . . . infinity. To the moon. Circle 3 times and back . . . .and that's just the beginning. 

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