Things I have learned . . .

1. I don't know near as much in my 30's as I thought I did in my 20's. 

2. How hard it's going to be to let go of someone you loved is directly related to how much of yourself you gave in that relationship because when you let go, you have to let go of parts of yourself that you gave away. 

3. Which leads me to, don't go into a relationship to find yourself or feel better about yourself. Stay single, learn who you are, build a great life, then see what happens. 

4. I'm sorry is only meaningful if you change the wrong behavior that caused the reason for an apology. 

5. No one can fix what's wrong in your life -- you have to do it for yourself. 

6. No one completes someone -- refer to #3 if you believe this. 

7. All problems in a relationship can be traced back to one thing -- selfishness. 

8. There isn't alway time to say what you want to -- so say it quickly. 

9. Ultimatiums don't always lead to something good -- be prepared to handle a bad outcome if it comes to that. 

10. If a person is still asking for advice for the same problem over and over -- stop giving them advice and instead, hand them a self-help book. 

11. No one knows you better than you know yourself --- trust yourself more. 

12. Nagging NEVER, EVER, EVER works. EVER. 

13. If a man asks for space, give it to him. 

14. If a man says he doesn't want to date you, marry you, stay married to you, they mean it. Move on. 

15. Don't hold onto things or people that aren't holding onto you. 

16. If you miss your friends, don't wait for them to call. It's a two-way street. Call them. 

17. Words can destroy a person. 

18. For every criticism you give a child, it takes 10 praises. Even more if the criticism is harsh. Children are still figuring out who they are and they first learn this from who we tell them they are. 

19. It's okay to cry....hard. 

20. It's okay to let others see you cry. 

21. Sometimes, when someone asks how you are, all they want to hear is fine. 

22. If someone offers help, take it. 

23. If someone compliments you, say thank you, not "Oh, no, I'm not" or criticize yourself. 

24. If a man does something nice for you and a woman complains, he probably won't ever do it again. 

25. A person's life can be changed just by having someone believe in them. 

26. NOt everything is meant to be forever, just for a time. 

27. Just because someone is smiling, doesn't mean they are happy. 

28. True happiness isn't found in moments or other people. It's something inside of you. 

29. Sexual chemistry isn't love. 

30. Sometimes all a child needs to feel loved is to have you stop what you're doing to listen to them talk. 

31. You can't be a single mom, work full time, have a life and a spotless house and sleep. A little clutter is okay (still working on this). 

32. Going to church doesn't make me a Christian just like staying home on Sunday doesn't make me an atheist. 

33. Don't pretend to like something to impress someone. They'll find out eventually when they want to talk about common interests and realize you know nothing about it. 

34. A man who cares about what you have to say will look you in the eyes . . . not the newspaper, tv, computer or another woman. 

35. Don't try to change someone. It's impossible. Instead, decide if you can live with them the way they are and if not, move on. 

36. Kids love it when we stop being such adults and act silly with them. 

37. Kids grow up too fast. 

38. This is such a cliche, but so true. We are not guaranteed forever. 

39. People that put you down aren't worth your time. 

40. It's okay to be lazy sometimes. 

41. Failing isn't a sign of being a failure. 

42. I can't love someone who isn't also my friend. 

43. Its okay to fall apart when your world falls apart. Just don't stay that way. 

44. Never stop doing small things for each other, no matter how long you are together. 

45. Getting flowers or cards never gets old. 


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